Monday, 25 November 2013

Experiments with painting with light

I had my first go at painting with lights yesterday.

I chose an object from my house and set it up in a dark room. To draw round the object I first used a phone light to try and draw round it.
I set my camera to shutter priority and set the shutter speed to 30 seconds. I found it quite hard to draw round the object and was bait disappointed with the outcome.
I also tried used a key light to draw round the object.

Next time I practice shooting with light, I will use a pair of jeans and start practising outside.
I will set my camera to Manual as this is what the blogs I looked at previously recommended I do. I will also experiment setting the shutter speed to less and more.
This time with light I will practice using a proper flash torch and also some glow sticks to see if the colour comes up.

Night time photography

This website below teaches me how to photography at night on a long exposure.
As I want to draw round my objects and make them visible it is important that I master photographing in the dark and spend my time practising this so my final photos look really professional.

Painting with light

After researching into Warren Du Preez and Nick Thornton Jones I have come across different examples of Painting with light.

This website tells me how to experiment with painting with light:

Here is what I will need:

1. A camera capable of long exposures - film cameras will work OK, but if you really want to get the most out of the shooting session, use a digital camera. You will be able to see the results in "real time" and make corrections as you go.
2. A nice tripod. Since you will be doing some long exposures you want to make sure your camera sits still. 
3. A flash light - and by flash light I do not mean flash as in a speedlight, but the flash light or what our British will call a torch.
4. A dark location. This one is tricky. If you are going to shot at home - a dark room will be OK. If you are going to shoot outside - make sure that you are not doing this under a street light, or where a car can come by and "paint its headlight" all over your shot.

Photography experiments with light

As I might be shooting my images outside its important I see how my jeans look photographed outside.

I tried shooting outside, which I had to use a trip pod for. I noticed that when I used a high aperture the jeans looking more blue, which I think looks really good.
Because of the weather the jeans kept blowing in the wind. I found it really hard to photograph and get the jeans in focus because of this.
 If I decide to shoot outside its important that I try and shelter the jeans from the wind so that my images are focused and clear. 

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Painting with light- Warren du preez and Nick Thornton Jones

When researching I have come across two photographers called Warren du Preez and Nick Thornton Jones. 
These two photographers have often experimented with light movement and how this works in fashion photography. E.g Big magazine / Swarvoski project. 

I really love the colours in this image and how the movement has been photographed. 

This is Warren and Nick's official website.

I aim to take inspiration from their work and use it in my own experiments with photographing the Levi  jeans.


Here are my ideas for the levi's shoot. I made a mood board to show my ideas and inspiration.
Like I have already mentioned I like the idea of using models and making a set for the jeans so it is important  I experiment with both of these too see which works best for me.
One of my main ideas is to incorporate a washing line or incorporate the jeans being hung somewhere I think this would look really effective and different to the normal white background studio effect a lot of fashion brands use.
As the brief is to promote a curve range I would like to incorporate the tape measure aspect as I think this would link in well.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Current Levi's curve ID Imagery

Here are a few examples of what curve ID have already done for their own campaign. It is important that I don't copy this as the brief states I must develop a concept that goes beyond the obvious and that illustrates your ability as a creative thinker. 
I really like the way that these images show all the styles of jeans next to each other through the use of space and text. 2 of the images have the style and fit wrote on the images in a curve like way which fits well with the name and concept.
Due to using a model for my last project I had decided that I didn't want to use a model this time and explore using still life. I think before I decide this I must consider both areas and practice different techniques with and without a model.


I really like this image that I found when researching into Levi's curve ID. I really like how the image has been set up and all of the 3 pairs of jeans are shown.
This image also proves that you don't need a model to show the jeans different style and that a nice set up image can look just as effective.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Levis Curve ID

The brand my brief is set on is Levis curve ID.
For this I need to create a suite of imagery for the website that needs to be unique, exciting and outside the boundary of stark product shots on white background.

Curve ID has been specifically made for women who carry more curves than usual so they can be confident about their body.


Finding the perfect, body-loving fit should be as easy as identifying your shape and selecting a rise. That’s why we created Levi’s®Curve ID, a revolutionary way to find your new favorite jeans.

Love Creative

Who are Love creative?

Love creative are a company that advertise and design brands through digital. They call this Brand activation.
Brand activation is bringing brands to life in a way that starts conversation with consumers.

They use lots of different sources to show their brands such as television, print, digital (online), retail and telephone.

'Love finds the most interesting things to say about your brands in the most interesting ways"

They work with a number of brands such as Diageo, Levis, Virgin, CAT, and Umbro just to name a few. 

New Brief

I have now been giving a new brief from Love creative which I am going to carry on with on this blog. The brief is to produce images for Love creative of Levis Curve ID section. The task is based on a real brief that Love Creative have received from Levi's.